Regulation and Policy
Policy reforms are often slow and incremental. In the history of aviation, the world economic crisis has always been a trigger for reforms accompanied by very demanding safety and security goals, while the very same crisis has been the evidence of the resilience of the air transport industry. In the last years, a more effective trigger has gained protagonism – the need for climate protection. Any change is definitely a disruptive process, but the challenge faced by airports and airlines for decarbonization is pervasive to all domains of air transport, from engineering to social behaviour and market research.
Any policy is by definition a set of measures that should have synergetic effects so that together they can contribute to achieving specific goals. The international nature of air transport demands policy and regulation be dealt with at the international and national level, guaranteeing consistency of purpose and coherence of actions. Research is a valuable instrument to contribute to the improvement of decision-making and regulation. The partners of AIROBS have developed research and consulting in policy and regulatory intervention and plan to transfer that knowledge to stakeholders in this sector.