
AirObs Webinar #3 | 2024, December 13th

Video on YOUTUBE: soon

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Opening Speech
Speaker: Rosário Macário, Prof. Dr. | IST – Portugal

LinkedIn: Link

Keynote Speech | Towards Green Energy Transition in the Airport Sector: Brazilian Innovations

Speakers: Leonardo Ferreira | Belo Horizonte Airport – Brazil

Short Bio:

Graduated in Transport Engineering, with a Postgraduate degree in Planning and People’s Management.
Currently, Leonardo Ferreira works as a Business Analyst at Belo Horizonte International Airport, dedicating himself in conducting projects related to operational efficiency and revenue generation for BH Airport.
Among several projects, his focus is the 400Hz + PCA, with consists of the implementation of electrical solutions to supply power and air conditioning to aircraft during ground services.

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AirObs Webinar #2 | 2024, March 25th

Video on YOUTUBE: soon

Note: To see previous webinars please scroll down in the page.

Opening Speech
Speaker: Rosário Macário, Prof. Dr. | IST – Portugal

LinkedIn: Link

Keynote Speech | Assessing eVTOL Advantages: Comparison to Traditional Modes
Speaker: Evandro J. Silva | ITA – Brasil

Short Bio:

Evandro José da Silva is a professor at the Aeronautical Institute of Technology (ITA) in Brazil, within the Department of Air Transport. He received his Ph.D. in Transport Engineering from the University of São Paulo (POLI-USP) in 2017. His research interests include airport infrastructure, operations, location problems, pedestrian dynamics, and mathematical modelling of operations, focusing on Mathematical Programming, Queueing Theory, and the use of computer simulation, GIS, and CAD. At ITA, Evandro contributes to undergraduate and graduate programs and has been involved in projects for the National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil (ANAC) and the Ministry of Ports and Airports, with active participation in both academic and industry-related activities.

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AirObs Webinar #1 | 2024, January 29th

Video on YOUTUBE: soon

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Opening Speech
Speaker: Rosário Macário, Prof. Dr. | IST – Portugal

LinkedIn: Link

Keynote Speech | Remote Air Traffic Control Towers
Speaker: Carlos Alves | NAV Portugal

Short Bio:

  • Engineer ‘s degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Escola Superior Náutica Infante D. Henrique (Sep 1977 – Jul 1980)
  • Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (1993 – 1995)
  • Current Position: Director at NAV Portugal

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Remote Air Traffic Control Towers
Discussant: Joaquim Lobo (Cap) – DECEA | Brazil

Short Bio:

  • Air Traffic Controller
  • ATM/ATFM Specialist
  • Master’s in Aerospace Sciences – UNIFA (Universidade da Força Aérea)
  • ATM Member at ICAO
  • Coordinator of the AFIS WG at ICAO
  • Project Manager for the implementation of remote towers in SISCEAB/Brazil

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AirObs Webinar #4 | 2023, October 2nd

Video on YOUTUBE: soon

Note: To see previous webinars please scroll down in the page.

Opening Speech
Speaker: Rosário Macário, Prof. Dr. | IST – Portugal

LinkedIn: Link

Keynote Speech | From Global Benchmarks to Future Research – How Are We Navigating Airport Sustainability Evaluations?
Speaker: Xibei Jia | University of Antwerp – Belgium

Short Bio:

Xibei Jia graduated from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Air Transportation in 2019. Xibei obtained an MSc degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2020. In 2021, Xibei was awarded the Mastère Spécialisé in Aviation Safety – Aircraft Airworthiness, jointly offered by École nationale supérieure de l’aéronautique et de l’espace and Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile. Xibei is currently a PhD researcher at the University of Antwerp and Instituto Superior Técnico with a research focus on Air Transport Sustainability.

Personal page: LINK

From Global Benchmarks to Future Research – How Are We Navigating Airport Sustainability Evaluations?
Discussant: Vasco Reis, Dr. | Porto Business School – Portugal

Short Bio:

Vasco Reis is a researcher at the Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability research centre of the University of Lisbon. His research interests are in air transport and mobility systems, particularly disaggregated simulation models. Vasco Reis is also a funding and innovation manager at Axians Portugal, the technology company of Vinci Group, a French multinational company with interests in airports, communications, and energy.

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AirObs Webinar #3 | 2023, May 22nd

Video on YOUTUBE:

Note: To see previous webinars please scroll down in the page.

Opening Speech
Speaker: Rosário Macário, Prof. Dr. | IST – Portugal

LinkedIn: Link

Keynote Speech | A Decision Support Tool for the Flexible Development of Constrained Airports
Speaker:  Liliana Magalhães | TML – Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa –Portugal

Short Bio:

Dr Liliana Magalhães has a Ph.D. in Transport Systems (IST-UL/MIT Portugal Program) with long research focused on airport terminals dealing with capacity constraints and a master’s in civil engineering (IST-UL). She was a researcher at CERIS, IST-UL, for +10 years. With +10 years of experience involved in national and international R&D projects and working with multi-disciplinary teams, the last years managing research projects. She has experience and deep knowledge of airport capacity and planning, air transport and its processes, and terminal processes modeling and simulation. Author of several publications (book sections, journals, conference papers, and reports) and invited lecturer, as well as a reviewer for transportation journals. She worked as a project manager for several years and as a mobility policy specialist at Lisbon Mobility and parking public company (EMEL). Currently, she works as a contract manager at Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa (TML).

LinkedIn: LINK

A Decision Support Tool for the Flexible Development of Constrained Airports
Discussant: Miguel Mujica Mota | Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences – The Netherlands

Short bio:

Dr. Miguel Mujica Mota is an Associate Professor at the Aviation Academy of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands and the Scientific director for Europe of the International Group on Aviation and Multimodal Transport (www.igamt.eu). He holds a Ph.D. in informatics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Ph.D. in operations research from the National University of Mexico. He is the current president of EUROSIM (www.eurosim.info) the Federation of Simulation Societies in Europe and the Chair of the Dutch Benelux Simulation Society (www.DutchBSS.org). He is the co-author of four books and has published more than one hundred scientific papers and general-public-oriented ones. He has participated in several international projects for industry and academia funded privately and by public offices like European Commission or World Bank. He also does aviation-related consultancy worldwide. Dr. Mujica Mota has given training in aviation modeling, simulation, and optimization in different countries for industrial and academic audiences. He has published studies on operational aspects of airports like emissions, efficiency, and capacity. Currently, he is doing research in the Aviation Network of Mexico City and the Multi-airport System of North Holland among other activities.

Webpage: www.mmujicamota.com.

LinkedIn: Link

AirObs Webinar #2 | 2023, April 24th

Video on YOUTUBE:


Note: To see previous webinars please scroll down in the page.

Opening Speech
Speaker: Rosário Macário, Prof. Dr. | IST – Portugal

LinkedIn: Link

Keynote Speech | Slot regulation in super-congested airports: a proposal for the Brazilian case
Speaker: Edson S. Sobrinho, Dr. | Former Secretary for Infrastructure Development of Brazil – Brazil

Short Bio: Former Secretary of Infrastructure Development at the Ministry of Economy, Edson Silveira Sobrinho holds an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Houston, USA. He has a postgraduate degree in applied mathematics from the University of Brasília, a bachelor’s in public administration at the João Pinheiro Foundation, and a bachelor’s in law at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. He has been a civil servant of the permanent staff of the National Treasury Secretariat since 2005, having served in the ministries of Finance, Planning, and Economy and in the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil, including works in the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC). In recent years, he has led, on behalf of the Ministry of Economy, the discussions on regulatory reforms in several infrastructure sectors, including the new legal framework for railways, the new legal framework for sanitation, the bill to modernize the electricity sector, the new law for flight regulatory simplification, a proposal to regulatory reform of slots in super-congested airports and improvements in the PPP model of highways. In addition, he conducted the dissemination of the tools for socioeconomic cost-benefit assessment (ACB) and infrastructure project structuring (Five-Case Model), having also acted on issues of green economy and carbon markets.

LinkedIn: LINK

Slot regulation in super-congested airports: a proposal for the Brazilian case
Discussant: Sera Atagündüz Çavuşoğlu, Dr. | Embry-Riddle -USA

Short bio: S. Sera Cavusoglu is an outstanding aeronautical engineering professional with 20 years of experience in multidisciplinary engineering, maintenance, aircraft delivery, redelivery, aircraft systems engineering, flight operations, aircraft systems design, and certification. Her professional experience includes following both the FAA and EASA Regulations and their compliance with aircraft and operations. Before pursuing her Ph.D., she worked for eleven years for Turkish Airlines and Turkish Airlines Technic as Chief of Aircraft Systems Design and Engineering. She has an M.Sc. and a B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Transportation Systems. She graduated from the Doctoral Program in Transportation Systems at Instituto Superior Técnico. Her research work introduces in what way different airport slot allocation approaches can be applied to handle scarce capacity at airports and its focal point is modeling the reallocation of slots at the strategic level. A new, innovative airport slots allocation auction model (ASAM) with an agent-based rationale with the help of fundamentals of modeling and simulation was successfully developed, conceptualized, and proposed, as a useful model to be used around the world. Currently, she is an adjunct faculty member at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, College of Aviation, Worldwide Campus.

LinkedIn: Link

Slot regulation in super-congested airports: a proposal for the Brazilian case
Discussant: Michael Cabral, Ing. | ALG-Global – Brazil

Short Bio: Michael Cabral is a Manager at ALG, a leading global consultancy focused on transportation, infrastructure, and logistics. He has over 10 years of experience in the airport industry, including leadership roles in Brazil’s two primary international hubs and technical advisory services to the main stakeholders along the air transport value chain: policymakers, civil aviation authorities, airport operators, airlines, ANSPs, financial institutions, and private investors. He holds a degree in Civil-Aeronautical Engineering from Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), a specialization in Project Management from FAAP, and an MBA from FGV.”

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AirObs Webinar #1 | 2023, Mar 27th

Video on YOUTUBE:

Note: To see previous webinars please scroll down in the page.

Opening Speech
Speaker: Jorge M. Silva, Prof. Dr. | UBI – Portugal

LinkedIn: Link

Keynote Speech | Ten years of Brazilian Airport Concessions
Speaker: Hélio da Silva Q. Jr., MSc. | UFPE – Brazil

Short Bio: Hélio da Silva Queiroz Júnior is a Civil Engineer and has just finished his M.Sc. Degree in the theme of airport management at the Federal University of Pernambuco. Today he works in TPF Engineering in the Transportation Simulation team. He has been studying public transport, particularly, airlines and airports applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

Ten years of Brazilian Airport Concessions
Discussant: Eric Tchouamou Njoya | Huddersfield Business School – UK

Short Bio: Dr Eric Tchouamou Njoya is a Reader in Aviation and Transport Economics. He serves as the Course Leader for Undergraduate Logistics, Transport, and Supply Chain courses, and as the Subject Group Leader for Research and Enterprise in the Department of Logistics, Marketing, Hospitality, and Analytics at Huddersfield Business School. He also serves as the Deputy Director of Huddersfield’s Future Mobility Lab, and as the Honorary Secretary of the University Transport Study Group (UTSG). He is a member of the advisory board of AviaDev Africa and the European Aviation Conference. His work has appeared in Transportation Research Part A, Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, Transport Policy, Journal of Transport Geography, among others. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management and a topic editor for Sustainability.

LinkedIn: Link

Ten years of Brazilian Airport Concessions
Discussant: Fábio Rogério Carvalho, | CEO ABR – Brazil

Short Bio: Fábio Rogério Carvalho is a Lawyer, CEO of Aeroportos do Brasil – ABR, and former Director of the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT). Vice-president of the Infrastructure Commission of OAB/DF. Post-graduated in areas of Public Services Regulation, Competition Law, and State Law. He has studied advanced regulatory policy at George Washington University and worked on more than 100 PPP projects in highways, railroads, ports, and airports.

LinkedIn: Link


AirObs Webinar 3 | 2022, 21st Nov


Note: To see previous webinars please scroll down in the page.

Opening Speech
Speaker: Rosário Macário, Prof. Dr. | IST – Portugal

LinkedIn: Link

Keynote Speech | Trust in the digitally connected aviation ecosystem
Speaker: Saulo da Silva, Dr. | ICAO – Canada

LinkdIn: Link

Trust in the digitally connected aviation ecosystem
Discussant: Remzi Seker, Prof. Dr. | Western Michigan University- USA

LinkedIn: Link

AirObs Webinar 2 | 2022, 30th May


Note: To see previous webinars please scroll down in the page.

Opening Speech
Speaker: Rosário Macário, Prof. Dr. | IST – Portugal

LinkedIn: Link

New approach to airport performance evaluation
Discussant: Thiago Nykiel | CEO INFRAWAY Engineering – Brazil

LinkedIn: Link

New approach to airport performance evaluation
Discussant: Vasco Reis, Dr. | Axians (Vinci Group) – Portugal

LinkedIn: Link

AirObs Webinar 1 | 2022, 28th March

Video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M260ThtB5Jg

Opening Speech
Speaker: Rosário Macário, Prof. Dr. | IST – Portugal

LinkedIn: Link

Keynote Speech | Economies of scale, scope, and merger effects in European ATC
Speaker: Sven Buyle, Dr. | University of Antwerp — Belgium

Webpage: Link